The Atocha 24 Insertions

Site specific digital insertions

Oliver, 2009


This page documents my contribution to the group show Hambre 09, Madrid, Spain. Hambre 09 temporarily occupied an otherwise unused urban building for the purposes of an exhibition. Hambre means ‘Hunger’ in Spanish.

Atocha 24 is the address of the 1500m2 building for this edition of Hambre, an old art deco market in the heart of the city, soon to be torn down. I chose to insert digital forms inspired by elements of the building and exhibit the result.

I took footage of the site without a tripod or image stabilisation on a Canon HF10 in Shutter priority mode (TV 50) with a WD-H37C wide angle lens. I later match-moved it and, using Blender 2.49, for Linux I created the sculptural elements, cleaned up the camera track, added masks and composited them into the video using Blender’s own VSE.

The video was presented on a small 10” screen inserted into the small cavity appearing at the start of the video.




Hambre 09, Madrid 2009 (Group Show)