A super computer is employed to solve the world’s climate and ecological crises, with uncomfortable results
Brain, Oliver, Sjolen 2019
Asunder responds to a growing interest in the application of AI to critical environmental challenges by situating this approach as a literal proposition, combining state of the art climate and environmental simulation technology, a 144 CPU super-computer and Machine Learning image-making techniques. The result is a fictional ’environmental manager’ that proposes and simulates future alterations to the planet to keep it safely within planetary boundaries, with what are often completely unacceptable or absurd results. In doing so, Asunder questions assumptions of computational neutrality, our increasingly desperate reach for techno-solutionist fixes to planetary challenges, and the broader ideological framing of the environment as a system.
UNCANNY VALUES: Artificial Intelligence and You, Vienna Biennale, Vienna, 2019
The Eternal Network, Transmediale, Berlin, 2020
Survival of the Fittest, Zum Verhältnis von Natur und Hightech in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunstpalais, Erlangen, 2020
How to make a Paradise, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, 2020